My values revolve around economic justice and inclusivity within therapy. I firmly believe therapy should be accessible to all, regardless of financial circumstances. As a result I’ve established a sliding scale model inspired by Partisan Collective and Alexis J. Cunningfolk’s Green Bottle Scale.
I do not ask for proof of income. Instead I operate on a foundation of trust, focusing on tailoring therapy to your needs, regardless of the price you pay.
Below I’ve provided three tiers, each have descriptions to assist you in selecting the rate that corresponds with your financial set-up. My goal is to ensure that therapy is open and accessible for all.
Please bear in mind that my availability for low and solidarity slots are limited due to high demand. Unfortunately I do not maintain a waitlist for these slots due to the number of enquiries I regularly receive.
If you are unsure about which tier you sit on, feel free to discuss with me via email or during our free 15 min consultation.
Solidarity: £50 individuals / £75 relationships
I am able to meet my basic needs* but I have to actively think about meeting them in the most affordable ways I can. I have small, varying amounts of expendable income** which means budgeting is often a big source of stress. I need to live in the cheapest place available to me and I struggle to afford any holidays/trips away.
My lack of savings, family support and inherited wealth (currently and in the future) means that I worry about my financial future.
Low: £75 individuals / £100 relationships
I need to keep an eye on my expendable income, which can be a source of concern but I’m able to consider the desirability of where I live in my accommodation choices and can afford one holiday/trip away each year.
My modest savings***, family support and inherited wealth (currently and in the future) give me a small safety net if I ever needed it. This means I don’t often need to worry about my financial future.
Standard: £100 individuals / £125 relationships
Spending my expendable income doesn’t cause me regular concern or stress and I can do so in ways that bring me satisfaction. I rent a desirable property or own my own home and go on several holidays/trips away each year.
I have either sizable savings****, family support if need be, or inherited wealth (or I stand to inherit money/assets in the future). This means I don’t often need to worry about the debt I have or my financial future.
*BASIC NEEDS include food, housing, clothing and transportation
**EXPENDABLE INCOME might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to events like the cinema or gigs, buy new clothes, books and similar items each month
***MODEST SAVINGS might be anything around a month’s salary
****SIZABLE SAVINGS might be anything over two month’s salary